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(Click on an image to open a full screen view. Hover over an image for a full description.)

Philanthropic Committee at Hilda Knoff School Easter Party
Philanthropic Cmte
Easter Parties

Hilda Knoff School Easter Party
Philanthropic Cmte
Easter Parties

Hilda Knoff School Easter Party
Philanthropic Cmte
Easter Parties

Easter Party at Magnolia School
Philanthropic Cmte
Easter Parties

May 2023 Hostesses from left Letty Jane Clark, Sissy Roniger, Charlotte Carrigee, Cheryl Faust, Lena-Webre, Marilyn Sloan and Jessica Seale
May 2023
Iona Myers named Life Member May 2023
Life Member
Iona Meyers
In Memoriam Judith McKey 2023
In Memoriam
Judith McKey (2023)
Outstanding Woman of the Year Beverly Randazzo, presented by Coleen Landry
Outstanding Woman
of the Year (2022)
2023 Grants Awarded ($9,000): Linda Deichmann, Mother Angelina, Erica Dupepe, Yvonne Perret, Abbot Justin Brown, Coleen Landry. Bottom, Sr. Beatrice, Cindy Enright and Beverly Randazzo
Grant Awards
2023 Officer Installation: Trish Seale, Installing officer,  Dee Dee Lancaster, President; Beverly Randazzo, Past President;  Letty Jane Clark, Parliamentarian; Tricia Grinshaw, Regina Martin, Jan Allen, and Melissa M
Officer Installation
September Hostesses 2023
September 2023
Polly Thomas and Her Mother
Christmas in October
Baskets of Cheer
Christmas in October
Boutique People
Christmas in October
Coleen and Katherine Landry
Christmas in October
Fran Puig center and Yvonne Pierret right
Christmas in October

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