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Rubye Evans, Iona Myers, Kit Lipps, Peggy Rooney, Sue Rooney and Betsy Henson

January 2016
Lynn Cashio, Cheryl Faust, Jerry Gast, Agnes Jones, Anita Garcia, Charlotte Carrigee and Stephanie Tufaro

February 2016
2016 Day at the Races

Day at the Races
Yvonne Perret, Featured Author of the Louisiana Book Festival 2016

Louisiana Book Festival
Dee Dee Lancaster, Courageous Survivor 2016

Courageous Survivor
Marcie Mayeaux, Suzi Clemenson, Melissa Monaghan and Judith McKey

March 2016
Past Presidents Coleen Landry, Sue Rooney, Polly Thomas, Evelyn Smith, Ginger Crawford, Beverly Christina, Judy Wood, Julie Lawton, Melanie Rose, Iona Myers, Linda Deichmann and Mary Membreno

Founders Day
Melinda Bourgeois, Heidi Burke, Dianne Breaux, Kit Lipps, Marion Lacoste, Betty Fritcher, Betty Exnicios and Carol Becklehimer

Founders Day
2016 Hostesses
From left are, Chapelle Counselor Jessica Reeg, Lynne Gendusa, President of Metairie Woman's Club Fran Puig, Gabriella Maria Velazquez, Amanda Velazquez, Scholarship Chairman Melanie Rose and Chapelle Principal Leila Benoit

Scholarship Recipient
Fran Puig and Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office Col. John Fortunato

Grant Recipient
Fran Puig, Sponsor Ginger Crawford, JPAS Acceptance Carrel Epling and Judith McKey, Community Service Chairman

Grant Recipient
Community Service Chairman Judith McKey, Abbot Justin Brown, of Pennies for Bread, and Coleen Perilloux Landry, Grant Sponsor

Grant Recipient
May 2016 hostesses Debbie Hughes, Joan Dannow, Kathleen McGregor, Rita Clare Quartano and Irene Klinger

May 2016
Membership Chairman Kit Lipps, Kathleen McGregor honored for 25 years of membership, and President Fran Puig

25 Years
of Membership
Fran Puig, sponsor of Ignatian Spirituality Project for Women, Susan Rodriguez of Ignatian and Judith McKey, community service chairman

Community Service
President Fran Puig, East Jefferson General Hospital EMS staff Shane Woodard and Christine Bass

Community Service

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